Since 2006, TickReport has led nationwide tick surveillance efforts in the U.S.
MedZu’s surveillance for tick-borne diseases is centered in the public-facing TickReport testing service
In 2006, we started with a single test for Borrelia burgdorferi. Over 15 years, we have added two dozen additional tests for bacterial, viral, and protozoan pathogens to provide unmatched surveillance breadth
Our work started with the science of ticks and the pathogens they carry. Our tests are developed by leading Ph.D. experts with decades of experience in tick-borne disease
Our team is made up of full-time professional microbiologists. Their undivided attention guarantees fast and accurate results with every sample.
What do Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain Spotted fever, and Rabies have in common? They are all zoonoses, or spillovers of animal diseases into human populations.
Zoonoses are different from other human diseases because sick people are not the source of exposure risk (i.e. humans do not transmit these diseases to other humans easily), so tracking the incidence of human cases may not reveal where the risk lies to uninfected people. Likewise, surveilling animals (such as ticks that transmit Lyme disease) doesn’t inform on human risk unless it makes the connection between those animals and a person. Our passive surveillance network(s) record the incidence of human exposures to diseases of animals, and your TickReport makes that surveillance possible.