Do larval ticks carry disease?
The risk of exposure from larval ticks is low, but there is some risk of exposure to Borrelia miyamotoi bacteria or Powassan virus. Other pathogens may be added to that list as time goes on.
Do Asian longhorned ticks bite humans?
TickReport testing has seen increasing numbers of people being bitten by Asian longhorned ticks since 2017, though this species represents a tiny portion of the samples we test. But public health messaging and official records lag years behind the surveillance data we publish in real time from nationwide submissions.
Transmission time for Lyme Bacteria: how long does it take for ticks to infect a host?
The time required for a tick to pass Lyme bacteria to a host has been debated for many years, and oversimplified public health messaging has led to a false sense of security when ticks are believed to have fed for a day or less. In this introduction to a series of posts on pathogen transmission, we summarize some of the main factors that affect transmission times.
Can I get ticks from my Christmas tree?
We are happy to confirm that this is a MYTH. Conifers can’t protect ticks from cold and dry conditions, so most ticks would die in a matter of hours if they were perched in an evergreen tree.
Ehrlichia muris eauclarensis in ticks
Ehrlichia muris eauclarensis is a tick-borne bacterium found mostly in the Upper Midwest. It is one of several pathogens spread by the deer tick (Ixodes scapularis).
Which tick species can bite people?
From 2006 to 2023, TickReport tested more than 101,275 ticks belonging to at least 45 distinct species. 97.3% of those samples represent one of just four species: Ixodes scapularis, Dermacentor variabilis, Amblyomma americanum, and Ixodes pacificus.
Do ticks get sick? A look at ticks and their simple “immune systems”
Although ticks are often described as “nature’s dirty needle,” the reality is that this needle fights back against many pathogens it encounters.
Is tick testing accurate?
Since 2006, TickReport has cemented a reputation for accurate, comprehensive, and transparent assessment of risks posed by a tick bite. Direct detection of pathogens in a tick uses very different processes from diagnostic tests that examine blood to identify disease in a person.
WHERE are ticks during Winter?
Where are ticks during the winter, and what are they doing? Here’s a brief overview of how host-seeking and types of dormancy vary across tick species.
Ticks don’t die when it’s cold outside
A few days of mild temperatures and sunshine are always welcome in the middle of winter, but that brief thaw can invite ticks to try their luck when we aren’t on high alert for bites.
California Ticks Can Spread Lyme Disease… but that’s not the whole story
The risk of contracting Lyme disease from a tick bite in California has been well-documented, though there is still a long way to go in educating health providers and the broader community in the exposure risk from a tick bite.
Why test a tick for Lyme bacteria and other pathogens?
Tick testing does not replace diagnosis by your doctor, but it can provide fast, accurate data about the risk of Lyme and over a dozen other diseases. Nearly 36% of the pathogens we find are something other than Lyme bacteria.